JFJ method


Are you ready to rock your favorite skinny jeans?

Are you sick of yo-yo dieting?

Are you exhausted trying to do it all on you own?

If you’ve tried every fad diet and trendy workout, it’s time to make the last investment into your health that you will ever need.


One of a kind 1-on-1 coaching tailored to your needs.


Custom nutrition plans that
work with your lifestyle,
not against it. 


Virtual personal trainer at your fingertips. Workouts based on your goals, that you enjoy.


Personal 1 on 1 coaching
and support, community, and education.

About Me

Turning 30, I looked at my body and didn’t recognize it anymore. As a basketball player in high school, then playing any intramural sport I could in college, transitioning to the corporate world took a tole on me physically.

Long days at a desk, travel, and client dinners were difficult to navigate. My health took a backseat.

As a Midwest girl who moved to Miami, I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable in a bathing suit any longer.

I hit the weight room and lost 20 pounds with my own transformation.

I am now a NASM certified personal trainer who helps women build the body of their dreams without skipping happy hour.